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Canadian Boreal Forest Honey

Pure Raw Lab-tested Honey. We believe healthy bees in clean environment produce the highest quality honey.

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What Sets Us Apart

We all love the sweet taste of honey. But do you know where your honey comes from and how it's processed? The majority of honey in the market are mixed with cheaper honey known to be contaminated and sometimes even mixed with syrup and fillers. Regulations exist to limit or ban contaminated honey, but the big companies find ways to launder them into our markets.

We wanted natural honey harvested using only ethical and organic beekeeping methods. We traveled across Canada, looking for the cleanest land for honey bees. And we are confident we have the best honey Canada has to offer.

Lab Tested

Our honey has been tested by independent laboratories including University of Guelph. Results show zero traces of antibiotics and pesticides. HMF (Hydroxymethylfurfural) levels are below 7mg/kg, which shows that our honey has not been heated.

Honey from the North

Honey harvested from colder climate is known to have higher concentration of its natural health benefits. Cold climate is less prone to diseases, and thus allows for organic beekeeping methods without the use of antibiotics. We only bottle unpasteurized raw honey from clean floral sources.

Never Mixed or Blended

Our honey is always from a single source. It is never mixed with other honey. We believe honey should be appreciated for its local unique flavour and aroma. All of our honey is 100% traceable, and that means we can pinpoint which area and which flowers the honey came from. With most brands of honey, distributors and even the producer will not be able to tell you where their honey came from because they've been blended with barrels of outside honey.

Healthy Bees

We focus not only on the quality of honey, but the health of the bee population as well. Most honey bees currently cannot survive without the use of antibiotics and they suffer from various diseases and mites. We believe in strong bees that can fight off diseases. That's why we try to build the immunity for our bee colonies by providing them with healthy conditions to live in and not using drugs to treat them. Strong healthy bees make the highest quality honey.

Oneroot Raw Honey

Health Benefits of Honey

Honey has been used as medicine by various cultures for thousands of years. See a list of health benefits based on science.

About Honey
Toasted Almond Cream Scones


We have lots of healthy recipe ideas using honey and maple syrup instead of sugar. Take a look!

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Small & Mighty

Small & Mighty

Small Business of the Year Nominee