May 28, 2017
Homemade Honey Body Wash with Castille Soap (Homemade Body/Hand Wash)
This week we are introducing another DIY product that you can trust to use with your entire family! You can buy castille soap in bulk with different essential oil (scent) and make countless scented body wash for each family member.

- One root Organic raw honey - 4 Oz
- Liquid castille soap (We used Dr. bronner's) - 12 Oz
- Vitamin E oil (External use) - 3 tea spoon
- Essential oil (Choose based on your taste, peppermint, lavender, rose, sweet orange...etc) - 30 drops
- Carrier oil (Sweet almond oil, grape seed oil, jojoba oil ...etc) -2 or 3 Oz
- Soap dispense container or mason jar

How to make
- Mix Liquid castille soap, vitamin E oil, Essential Oil and Carrier oil in a bowl.
- Pour honey into #1 and stir well until it's well mixed
- Boil water to sanitize the jar or container.
- Cool down the bottle and Pour #2.
- Mix well before every use.
- Write the date you made on a container and use it for 1 month.