Message from the Owner
Thank you for visiting Oneroot Honey

My name is Kevin Park, Owner and CEO of Oneroot Inc, and this is the story behind our company.
My father's very first business 50 years ago was beekeeping. Without much literature or experts to guide him, he dedicated 24 hours of his day, everyday, to learning the behaviours of honeybees. He would spend whole day and night observing them and how they make honey. He was one of the first in Korea to write books on honeybees and hold lectures at universities.
Upon immigrating to Canada, we discovered that Canadian honey is renowned for its high quality. With its cold climate and vast unpolluted land, Canada has all the factors for producing premium healthy honey. My father searched for high quality honey throughout Canada on his spare time, but it was hard to find. Most of the honey sold in retail stores were not even Canadian. Even the 100% Canadian honey we found were not the quality we had hoped to find. We thought, 'If it's hard for us to find premium honey in Canada, surely it's hard for others, too. There must be honey lovers like us who are looking for premium untainted Canadian honey."
So, we decided to go on a hunt for the best honey in Canada. Based on my father's 10+ years of research on Canadian honey, we traveled across Canada looking for clean land that can produce the finest Canadian honey. With the help of local beekeepers and further research and travel, we found ideal locations for natural beekeeping. To this day, we continue to survey different regions to expand our operation.
And we can confidently say we have the finest honey Canada can be proud of. Oneroot Honey is always single-sourced, 100% traceable, and minimally processed. Taste pure honey straight from the beehive.
Current Market of Honey
Most of the honey you find at big grocery stores are mixed with Chinese and South American honey. Chinese honey suffers from over-usage of antibiotics. They are also known to mix syrup to their honey. It is being laundered into the world market even though many countries ban or discourage imports of Chinese honey. Even if the label does not specify, "Chinese honey", chances are it is mixed in, to some degree. All popular brands of honey started to mix various sources to meet demand and lower cost.
We want to do our part in cleaning up the honey market. We want to educate consumers and help you identify misleading labels and false advertising.
Oneroot Honey
Oneroot Honey is bottled from only the purest of sources in the vast Canadian wilderness. Our strict quality control guarantees that your jar of honey is as straight from the beehive as it can get.
Our honey is always:
- Antibiotic-free - We are the only North American brand that bottles only 100% natural, antibiotics and chemical free honey. Our bees are healthy without the use of any chemicals. One of our main goals is to support a healthy bee population.
- Unheated / Unpasteurized - meaning it retains all of honey’s enzymes, anti-bacterial / anti-inflammatory properties, and all its health benefits.
- From Sustainable Sources - our beekeepers practice ethical, natural, and organic beekeeping methods that support a healthy bee population and the environment.
- Directly from the source - our honey is never mixed with other honey. You always know exactly what kind of honey you are getting from Oneroot.
- Bottled in CFIA inspected and approved facilities to ensure your safety.
Try our honey for yourself and you will taste the difference. If you have any questions about anything, ask away!
Kevin Park
Oneroot Inc.
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