2월 15, 2017
Maple Oat Cookie (No Bake Recipe)
* Ingredients
3/4 Cup of Rolled Oat (We used Red Meal, if necessary please use gluten free oat)
1/2 Cup of Maple Syrup (One root organic maple syrup)
2 TSP Almond milk
1/4 tsp Vanilla Extract
1/4 Cup of Almond butter
1/4 Cup of unsalted butter
Sprinkle of chia seed/hemp seed
Optional: pinch of salt
* How to make
1. Prepare the mini sized-pan, put butter, Almond milk and maple syrup.
2. Use Medium-high heat, when it starts boiling cook for 3 min (Stir well)
3. Turn off the heat and let it cool for 3 min
4. Prepare a bowl, pour #3 and mix Almond butter, Vanilla Extract, Rolled Oat and salt
5. Mix well
6. Prepare waxed paper or mini muffin paper
7. Spoon each amount and let it cool
8. Sprinkle chia seed/Hemp seed in the middle of cookie (optional)